Articles Tagged with CalCAP

AdobeStock_83043455-300x200It is never easy to break into the competitive world of technology. Now, in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic, new businesses face more challenges than ever. The good news is that there are still funding programs available to small business owners and startup companies in California.

What is CalCAP?

The California Capital Access Program (CalCAP) is a program designed to offer financial assistance to small business owners in California. CalCAP assists banks and other financial institutions in making loans and funding more available to small businesses. CalCAP is a reserve that acts to underwrite losses that financial institutions sustain on small business loans. This allows them to make more loans available to small business owners.  Loans are available for startup capital, expansion funds, and even for working capital to keep your business afloat during production shutdowns and loss of business due to COVID-19.