Articles Tagged with Business Partnership

AdobeStock_38444038-300x201Business Partnership Lawsuits — Disputed Between LLC Members, Shareholders, General Partners, or Limited Partners

Nobody enters a business partnership or relationship expecting to end up in litigation, but disputes may arise that can only be resolved through a formal legal process. If you are involved in such a lawsuit, the San Jose partnership lawyers at Structure Law Group can provide you with professional advice, guidance, and representation throughout the process.

Why Partnership Lawsuits Happen

AdobeStock_445476294-300x200When entrepreneurs are starting a business involving a partner or multiple partners, a buy-sell agreement will be a must-have because the agreement will establish protections for every party and the company if something happens or an exit event occurs with any of the business partners. Without this agreement, several variables may emerge, including a family member or other party taking ownership or a controlling stake without any concern for business success.

Formulating a buy-sell agreement can be a big demand, but you can get competent legal help in formulating this agreement. A Los Angeles business attorney with Structure Law Group, LLP can help you craft a buy-sell agreement that will focus on protecting your business for the long run.

When You Need a Buy-Sell Agreement

AdobeStock_292580187-e1576014509781-300x183A partnership is like a marriage. It takes effective communication to meet mutual goals. You can avoid many partnership disputes by creating a clear operating agreement before the partnership starts doing business. The experienced San Jose business attorneys at Structure Law Group can help you avoid unnecessary partnership disputes. By executing a clear, binding, and specific partnership agreement, you can save time and expense that ultimately hurts your business. Call (408) 441-7500 to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled San Jose business lawyers. We have helped many Northern California businesses create effective operating agreements.

How to Create an Effective Operating Agreement

There are several important steps to follow in order to create an agreement that will effectively resolve disputes in future business transactions:

Fotolia_189107114_Subscription_Monthly_M-300x200Perhaps more so than any other kind of business structure, a partnership is heavily reliant upon the personal relationships among the partners. If those relationships are good, the partnership has a much better chance to function smoothly. If not, the personal nature of partnerships generally means that rocky personal relationships will lead to a rocky business relationship. All too often, partners join up based on prior personal relationships that were good, only to find they did not consider business philosophies before forming the partnership. Business differences can lead to personal differences, making it that much more unlikely that the partnership’s problems can be worked out.

Start Early to Avoid Partnership Disputes

Partnerships often are formed by people working in the same industry or friends who develop an idea together. They are common in the practice of law, as well as in a number of different small businesses. Partnerships are frequently a few individuals joining together to start a business. There are steps they should take to minimize the possibility of disputes. These steps include: