Articles Tagged with California Business Litigation Lawyer

AdobeStock_600446210-300x200Anytime you wish to file a lawsuit against someone in California, you need to be mindful of the statute of limitations. This is the legal deadline for initiating action on a particular type of claim. Failure to comply with the statute of limitations often means your case will be dismissed without consideration of the merits.

An experienced California business litigation attorney can help ensure that you meet the statute of limitations and all other legally mandated deadlines in your lawsuit. The last thing you want is for your case to be thrown out of court before it has even begun. The team at Structure Law Group can guide you through this process and make sure that does not happen.

What Are the Deadlines?

AdobeStock_360567140-300x200California Governor Gavin Newsom signed several laws in 2022 that will have a significant impact on employers throughout the state, with some laws becoming effective the moment they were signed and others becoming effective as of January 1, 2023. It is important for all employers to know that New Year’s Day marked the first day of the state’s new minimum wage for all employees that is set to be $15.50 per hour, regardless of employer size. As a business owner in California, you should be aware of the following new laws that have gone into effect in 2023. By familiarizing yourself with these new laws, you can help ensure that your business remains compliant and up to date with the latest regulations.

New employment laws in California relate to many different topics, ranging from off-duty marijuana use to leaves of absence to reproductive rights. If you’re facing a business litigation concern, make sure you seek out an experienced California business attorney at Structure Law, Group, LLP. With so many changes in the law, it’s important to stay informed and get the help you need to make sure you’re in compliance with all relevant laws.

To help you stay informed, here is a brief overview of some of the new laws that have gone into effect in 2023:

AdobeStock_273133653-300x200California business owners face many different types of litigation. It is important to mitigate the risk of liability by consulting with a California business litigation attorney before your business is even established. The experienced California business litigation lawyers at Structure Law have helped entrepreneurs in all types of industries protect their companies from preventable losses. What follows are some of our tips to protect your business from litigation.

Have a business litigation attorney in California draft an operating agreement.

An operating agreement is not required to form a business in California. As a result, some business owners make the mistake of starting business operations without them. Without an operating agreement, the business is exposed to litigation and liability. An experienced business lawyer can draft an agreement that will reduce the likelihood of future liability. According to the Small Business Administration, an operating agreement sets the rules that guide a company’s decisions. Having an operating agreement can set decision-making processes that reduce the likelihood your company will face litigation. This agreement can even reduce the risk of future costly conflicts between owners of the company.

AdobeStock_503784636-300x202Business litigation is a major expense for many California entrepreneurs. You can save your business time and money by preventing contractual disputes. The California business litigation attorneys at Structure Law Group provide proactive legal advice to prevent contractual disputes whenever possible. Having your business contracts reviewed by an attorney is an important investment that can pay dividends in the long run.

How Business Contracts Affect Every Area of Your Business

You might not realize just how many areas of your business are affected by contracts. Your customers, vendors, and employees can all subject your business to liability in contractual disputes.